Ehren Channon
Safety and Quality Assistant
“If you want to make everyone happy, don’t be a Leader. Sell Ice Cream” – Steve Jobs
I was born in the town of Krugersdorp in Gauteng. I’m the son of a Dentist and a Dental Hygienist – and with the time spent assisting at the practice – I would never have thought that I would, one day, end up in aviation.
The aviation bug bit me at a young age – my parents took me on a helicopter ride when I was not much taller than the kitchen counter – but it was fate… let me put it to you like this – the passion swept me so hard and fast that I was able to fly an aircraft (PPL) before I was legally allowed to drive a car alone.
Thinking back… My mother drove me to flight lessons, directly from school and this ended up being the highlight of my daily routine. The Airfield is now the notorious Krugersdorp airfield.
I enjoyed the thrill of the Airfield’s challenges as this is situated on the edge of a cliff and with a very short and narrow runway. I completed my PPL in 2012. My craving for Aviation did not end there, I worked as an Operations Manager in numerous flight schools, became Quality Manager of a Medevac Company at Lanseria. I even worked in Dispatch, Aircraft Fleet management and student liaison – all for the passion of being able to fly!
I eventually operated my own Consultancy business that catered for Safety and Quality systems. One of the companies that I consulted for requested that I join them full time; I ended up heading their Quality and Safety department. It was a long and fruitful 4 years of learning, development, and struggles as a post holder.
“To acquire knowledge one must study, but to enquire wisdom, one must observe”, I have completed 7 courses this far and still counting, I also believe in the slogan “Safety is no accident” it is a frequent reminder to all of us that safety in aviation is a team effort and that all individuals are responsible for doing their part towards a safe flying environment. It is an environment that demands continuous process improvement and total involvement.
I am actively involved and enjoy participating in some of the SACAA General Aviation Safety Strategy Focus Groups (GASS-FG) to keep current.
I was offered the opportunity to join Flyjetstream and Blue Chip Flight School safety team and I jumped at the opportunity as it allowed me to grow in my career and my passion for aviation. I am Flyjetstreams’s Dangerous Goods elected person.
What do I do when I am at home…? “I am sure in another life I was related to the rose guru Ludwig, I adore the queen of flowers, especially the Iceberg, the beautiful clusters of pure white blooms just soothe my soul! To feed and care for my rose collection and to see the results afterward is absolute therapy.
I also enjoy the company of my two miniature Schnauzers, Hunter and Harper, their intelligent, affectionate, and extroverted temperament, personalities that are twice as big as their bodies, and the “Magnum’ mustaches provide me with a lot of joy and laughter.
Fun Fact: “Cotton Candy was invented by a dentist “- William Morrison, 1897
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